Friday 2 November 2012

What's happening in Maths this term...

Multiply, multiply, multiply. We’re learning about multiplication at the moment. The times tables up to 12 is what we’re trying to learn and remember quickly. We’re all at different stages in our learning. We love working with each other, sharing our ideas and strategies. We have also played lots of games. Try these out at the following locations:

We also learnt about factors and products. A product is the result of multiplying two or more numbers together and factors are two or more numbers that are multiplied together to give you a product. We will all try to master every times table by working hard and practising everyday.

Do you know of any cool multiplication websites or games? If so, we'd love it if you shared your ideas with us.

Alastair and Oliver.


  1. I have really enjoyed reading this blog - great work by everybody. I especially like the maths blog because I uses to love maths at school ....
    3 x 7 = 21, 5 x 9 = 45, 6 x 12 = 214 etc etc ;)

    I don't know any cool maths games but I DO know that I love Crunchies, and there's a Crunchie on the background .... YUM!!!!!

  2. I really enjoyed going to Grandparents Day and seeing your classroom. Jackson and Hannah showed me the ipad and Isabel and Jackson played a card game. I was interested to see all your work on Space and that you are all learning your tables. onece you learn them you never forget them. Kylie ( Jackson's mum) and I used to play tables quizzes in the car as we drove along.
    You are a great grade and have a wonderful teacher. Enjoy the rest of the year. Ros Ridgeway. Jackson's Gran from Yackandandah

  3. Great blog, boys! Maths is a good time - great to see you loving your times tables. Don't know any math game sites, but am going to ask around and will post if I find any!

    Keep bloggin!


  4. Gramma and Grandpa16 November 2012 at 13:42

    Nice to read your blog Oliver Basic math skills will help you all your life. We look forward to testing you when you are here so make sure you study Keep up the good work Gramma and Grandpa

  5. Great blog, boys! We're so glad that you're enjoying your class, and we're always happy to learn what you're doing in school. Grandpa is anxious to test you on your math skills when you come to visit us at Christmas, so be prepared!
    Sorry, but we don't know any cool math games.
    Grandma and Grandpa from Canada

    1. Ollie the awesome dude9 December 2012 at 10:58

      Hi 34B!

      I have really enjoyed reading our blog and I think it's epic!!!!

      P.S This a message from metro, be safe around trains!

      From Smithy :)
