Monday 17 September 2012

Our learning this term

This term, we have been learning about the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. During our Olympic topic, we did a country project on some of the countries that participated in the Olympics. We shared our projects to our peers and we learned a lot about different countries around the globe.
In Maths, we have been focussing on measuring. We created our own class mini Olympics. We worked in small groups and every group made up their own event. Our Olympics were a big success, we had rolling games, kicking games, tossing games, pushing games, goal kicking games and hopping games. All of the games involved measuring and they were heaps of fun! 

By Isobel and Clyde


  1. What a detailed and interesting way to study the Olympics and its history. Beautifully written too. Thank you for sharing. I'm loving keeping up to date with 3/4B via their blog. Well done to everyone involved.

  2. Hello 3/4B. This is the first time I have seen your blog, and I am SO VERY impressed. It is wonderful to see so many beautiful images on the blogspot and to read the latest news. Please report back on Matsuri Day because I am interested to find out what you learn from the activities! Regards, Andrew Saniga
